Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who Is Sarah Palin?

Like most individuals when the VP was announced I was completely surprised at the pick and completely blindslided. In all honesty I was expecting the announcement to be Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney, or Rob Portman. After some research of who she is and what she stands for the more I am impressed with the pick. Sarah was born in Sandpoint Idaho and married her high school sweetheart Todd Palin on 29 Aug 1988. Together they have five children and are regular church goers. She attended the University of Idaho and obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Journalism. Her eldest son even enlisted in the army after September 11th. Sarah is currently the governor of Alaska and trounced then Governor Frank Murkowski in being elected by a decisive margin despite an overwhelming anti-republican feeling in that election. Her approval ratings bounces around 90 percent. She is clearly pro life. Sarah supports drilling in ANWR and opposes same sex marriage. She is a lifetime member of the NRA and is an incredibly smart, independent, articulate conservative woman. How can one not like an individual that hunts, ice fishes, snowmobiles, has run a marathon and eats mooseburgers?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Change Of Seasons

 With the change of the season having fall in the air its time for alot of those familiar chores. Everyone has different needs so each list of chores will be different. Some lists will be rather unique. Many of which will have common tasks that can be found. A few of which at this household include the following... Turn Back The Blocks Change The Antifreeze Clean/Replace Home Air Filter Change Smoke Alarm Batteries Check The Raingutters Winterize The Yard (Fertilizer/Aerate) Drain Garden Hose And Sprinklers Clean The Garbage Gan Changing Clothes (Goodwill Run/Recycle) Raking The Leaves Checking The Snowblower Sharpening/Cleaning Underneath Lawnmower Whats on your to do list?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

America's Pastime

Did you know that there are over 50 million individuals who tailgate each year? Tailgating has become one of the fastest growing pastimes. It has grown rapidly into a multi-billion dollar industry. Statistics have shown the average age range is 25-44 and that the average arrival time is 3-4 hours pregame. It has been called the last great American neighborhood. Often on the menu one can find appetizers, dips, chicken/wings, kabobs, beverages, burgers, brats and or beef. A few quick tips to remember will help to make each tailgating event a succesful outing to remember.

Preparation Ahead of time sit down and make an extensive list that will cover it all. That list should be one that could be used annually regardless of what time of the year. Different weather can effect the possible additional items to include. Have all the possible food items been previously purchased? Has everything been checked and packed? How bout the propane tank for the grill? Is it full and ready to go?

Timing Arrive early enough to provide plenty of ample prep time for setting up, cook/eating time and lastly conversation time. Consider the route there for any possible delays. Remember the matchup. Is it against Prairie View Technical College? Is the visiting team from a major conference? Or is the game against a rival?

Location Location Location There can be a number of things to remember and take into consideration. Is the area a great hotspot? Or have there been known annoying squares to frequent the area? How is the restroom accessibility? Are you parking in the same zip code as the event? Different venues (if an away game) offer different services and may also prohibit certain aspects (radio, tv, or simply throwing a football around). The venue may in fact provide at no extra charge extra tables (if notified in advance).

Extras It can never hurt to have a little extra food or that extra roll of paper towels. Certain miscellaneous items often can be incredibly useful or just simple extra conveniences. Extra paper plates, beverages, ice, condiments, sunscreen, garbage bags definately always come in handy!Just a few simple things to consider that could be helpful. Any thoughts? I'll see you in the parking lot enjoying America's last great neighborhood!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ready To Rock?

So are you starting to get bored with summer? Are you looking for something new? Need something different to listen to? From time to time we all need that change of pace. Something to give us all a kick start. Through some careful internet digging over numerous websites here's a short list of upcoming miscellaneous music that you might just enjoy. As follows (release date in paranthesis)....

AC DC/Black Ice (Sept or Oct)
Beyonce/No Title (Nov)
Brad Paisley/Play (4 Nov)
Casting Crowns/Peace On Earth (7 Oct)
Chickenfoot/No Title (Sept Or Oct)
Chris Tomlin/Hello Love (2 Sept)
Darius Rucker/Learn To Live (16 Sept)
Decyfer Down/Crash (16 Sept)
DePeche Mode/No Title (Spring 2009)
Jim Brickman/Unspoken (9 Sept)
Kenny Chesney/Lucky Old Sun (10 Oct)
LL Cool J/Exit 13 (9 Sept)
Metallica/Death Magnetic (9 Sept)
Plain White T's/Big Bad World (23 Sept)
Rush Of Fools/Wonder Of The World (16 Sept)
Saliva/Monster (Late Fall)
Sonicflood/Heart Like Yours (9 Sept)
Ten Shekel Shirt/Jubilee (19 Aug)
This Beautiful Republic/Perceptions (19 Aug)
Toby Keith/No Title (28 Oct)
U2/No Title (Oct or Nov)

Know of any others that may have been left out? Would love to know.

Messin With Sasquatch...Possibility

Recently in the news Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer claimed while hiking in Northern Georgia to have stumbled upon a bigfoot carcass of 7 feet 7 weighing approximately 500 pounds. They apparently had the DNA sent to a lab for testing. Jeffrey Meldrum a bigfoot researcher and Idaho State University Professor said of the provided photo released from the news conference "it just looks like a costume with some fake guts thrown on top for effect". As for the DNA evidence one was inconclusive, one was human and the third was from a possum. The creatures physical body is being held in a large freezer in an undisclosed location while waiting for further testing. So how about the possibility of Sasquatch in Utah? There are 160 known Utah bigfoot reports. Sightings in Utah have been reported to as close as 8 feet. Utah's hotspot is coldwater canyon (Weber County). Back on 13 September in 2003 in Ophir City/Canyon (Tooele county) area there were three separate reports called in to local law officials. In Summit County on 8 November 2005 there were four separate reports of strange howls that lasted approximately 20 seconds. Casts were later taken in the area with the feet 6 inches wide and 12 inches long. What do you think of this whole Bigfoot thing? Would love to hear!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chump Change

Most Americans are frustrated and would absolutely love to know where or when does the cost of gas finally end. With so many intangibles there is no way of being able to predict such a thing. On the flipside there is likely a high percentage of Americans who probably have no clue whatsoever where the money is going once it is pumped into their vehicle. With a little of research here's what I was able to come up with. Off the top there are the government taxes (what else is new? LOL) typically for building and road maintenance (approximately 40 cents of which per gallon while the national average has the state governments taking approximately 22 cents per gallon). Obviously there is also the logistics of moving the product from refineries to the local pump which is approximately 25 cents per gallon. About another 25 cents per gallon goes to the actual refinery companies such as Sunoco, Frontier, etc. About $2 per gallon (the big portion) goes to the actual producers like Chevron or Marathon. However, once at the local convenience station (keep in mind most are typically independently owned/operated) which generates typically about 7 to 10 cents for every gallon (according to the US Energy Information Administration). At that rate there is absolutely also no way that could even be considered profit when you figure in the local employee wages, the lease, the station bills (electrical/upkeep etc). Any profit whatsoever at that level likely would have to come from coffee, cigarette, alcohol, soda or food/candy sales. From another website there was a percentage breakdown for a gallon of gas which was as follows...

58 crude oil
17 refining
15 taxes
9 distribution/retail
1 local store income

Just something to think about or ponder next time you fill up at the pump. Any thoughts? Would love to hear!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hey yo!

Face it most of us at one time or another (most likely in our youth) have had or messed around with a yo-yo whether it was learning tricks as walking the dog or splitting the atom (or just simply goofing off). The yo-yo is thought to have originated in China where it was first mentioned from about 500 BC. James L Haven and Charles Hettrich received the first US patent back in 1866. However, in 1928 Pedro Flores opened a yo-yo company in Santa Barbara California. By November that year Flores was running his company with 600 workers and producing over 300,000 units daily. The world yo-yo contest was held recently in Florida with John Ando taking this years honors as champion. Back in 1996 it was actually won by a local named Dale Myrberg from Sugarhouse (even set 9 American yo-yo Associated World Records). He was also recently inducted into the American Yo Yo Association Hall Of Fame (yes it actually does exist). Over the years Dale has collected over 3,000 yo-yo's. It all began at the age of 13. He was a rather quick study and progressed to a elevated state of yo winning the state title at 15. To some it might be perceived as a waste of time. To others it teaches practice, patience and persistence!