Saturday, February 13, 2021

Who has the best root beer?


Pharmacist Charles Elmer Hires was the first to successfully market a commercial brand of root beer. Much has certainly changed since 1875. Who has the best root beer today? It's time to settle the great debate. 


This brand debuted in 1898 as the creation of Edward Barq with his brother Gaston. Barqs is still owned by the Barqs family but currently manufactured/distributed by the Coca Cola Company. The bar has been set incredibly high and is noted for being one of the few caffeine based root beers in the world. It certainly has one of the best defining slogans around as well (Barqs Bites). Often it simply comes down to flat out expectations. Straight forward with a strong flavor. There's no messing around. When you reach for a Barqs you know exactly what you are getting.


The IBC brand created in St Louis in 1919 wants your experience one to be remembered. It is one of the most available brands on the market. IBC is a fine root beer that's not overly sweet with solid flavor punch to it. The flavor is deep, satisfying and certainly has a classic feel to it. 


Roy Allen bought the original recipe and began marketing his beverage in Lodi, California and soon partnered with Frank Wright. However, in 1924 Allen bought his partner out and obtained the trademark for now one of the top selling root beers found in the world. Solid root beer but I believe among the tops when making floats. 


Founded back in 1937 Dad's certainly has a shelf life that has lasted through the times. Although, the brand could be much more popular nationally with better distribution channels. Sometimes you just need a little taste. A little splash here. A little splash there. Thank me later. 


Mug Root Beer was initially marketed as "Belfast Root Beer" during the 1940s by the Belfast Beverage Company. The product name was later changed to Mug Old Fashioned Root Beer then shortened to simply Mug Root Beer. Currently manufactured/distributed by PepsiCo with the brand bulldog mascot "Dog". Mug is a common canned grocery store soda popular also with company BBQs. It has a syrupy sweet candy like root beer flavor designed to satisfy the masses, not impress the aficionado. Mug has a creamy texture and the flavors lingers on the tongue.


The granddaddy of root beers now owned by the Dr Pepper conglomerate. It is the oldest marketed root beer brand. How much of the original recipe remains is absolutely anyone's guess. The time tested taste is certainly pleasing, well balanced, and with a crisp assertive lasting flavor. 


With a surprising high ranking for canned soda, Shasta has a distinct favor for its satisfying and refreshing crispiness. Yes, the can design may be awful but don't let this deter you from popping one open. It has a very strong root beer aroma when opened and that's always a good sign.


The bottling by Cable Car Beverage in Denver Colorado has somewhat of an upscale appearance. Stewarts has a high level of carbonation and doesn't exactly stand out because it nails it. It has a very popular and dependable taste. 


Bottled by Blitz Weinhard Brewery in Portland Oregon. It is brew flavorful and complex. Weinhard's has a nice appearance, great full vanilla touch to flavor, no initial burst of carbonation but this one rolls over the tongue so easily to quench the thirst. 

Take a chance and try one of the delicious unique root beers from above, or one of your favorites. Not all root beers are created equal. It's all a matter of personal taste.

Human Choice and Free Agency

The strongest principle of growth lies in the human choice. Agency is the ability and freedom to choose between different options, typically good or evil. It is an eternal principle which has existed from all eternity. It is the philosophy of opposites. Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms to choose even our own attitudes in a given set of circumstances.

Four great principles must be in effect if there is to be agency. First, laws must exist. Second, opposites must be evident. Third, a knowledge of the good and evil or options must be had by those who are to enjoy the agency. Lastly, an unfettered power of choice must prevail. 

Agency is so fundament to the great plan of creation and redemption that if it should cease all other things would vanish away. All truth is independent in that sphere in which our creator has placed it to act for itself as all intelligence, otherwise there is no existence. It must needs be there there is an opposition in all things. If not, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, etc.

Decisions that we make can determine our destiny one even at a time and/or can even impact the lives of others. When there is a choice to be made and don't make it, that is in itself also a choice. For where it is in our power to act, it is also in our power not to act.

There are so many options in life that we can face at one time or another. We can choose a career, what type of clothes/styles we like to wear, who to marry, what schools to attend, what music we enjoy, where we like to eat, who to vote for, etc. When it comes to voting as an example if we choose unrighteous individuals to lead when compounded with other unrighteous figureheads that can lead from freedom to our personal slavery.

Thus, it is of the highest degree when faced with important decisions to take time in gathering all the facts possible from both sides of an issue and when possible to always go to our creator asking for direction. What choices are we making today? Remember to choose wisely. Often, freedom once lost is not easily taken back.