Saturday, September 19, 2020

Recently, our prophet Russel M Nelson pleaded with us to increase our spiritual capacity. I am also reminded of the famous words of Aristotle that "we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, is then, is not an act but a habit." One must ask what are we doing to create, build and sustain habits for eternal growth. We must reach deeper and higher than we ever have before in these last days and trying times of uncertainty. When was the last time we looked seriously at ourselves in the structure of daily life to better align us with the values that we hold dear? Doing the same things repeatedly yet expecting different results will get one nowhere. However, by creating pure positive habits that may be closer aligned with our values will push us closer to the end goal in mind. 

So what we do value the most? Values are most inner part of us. They represent what we truly believe and stand for. Those core principles will guide us much like a life GPS unit and provide a personal code of conduct with the struggles which we face. When we tie and align our habits to what we truly value we give them a meaningful purpose.

Next, one can ask then what is a habit? It can be defined as a behavioral pattern acquired by frequent repetition that manifests itself in regularity or increased performance. In these trying times just simply doing the right thing often is not enough to make change in our lives. We must do the right things for the right reasons. 

No one likes pain, trials or discomfort. Often they are hard to bear. However, they are necessary for our growth. Often when things get tough, the best way to seek direction or guidance can be found through the power of prayer. We have access to free wifi with our Heavenly Father who knows all things and is wanting desperately to help us if we just ask. 

Begin by creating a habit of making time. Set aside a specific time for prayer. Live life in a way righteously that leaves clear reception like a radio station. Be on the same wavelength. Clear the channel if necessary of life's distractions and unnecessary noises. Study out the event, the trials that you may be struggling with in your mind and in your heart. Look at all the different possible angles. When praying, pour out those honest intentions of your heart and take the time to listen. When we talk on a cell phone do we continue to talk and talk? Or do we actually take the time to listen for the response? When one is living right you will be able to be worthy of receiving those promptings that may come in your heart and in mind. If it is right you will feel that burning inside and things will feel just right like you are calm and at peace. 

Sometimes the answers we seek may not always be what we want nor expected. Our loving Father in Heaven will know what is true and tailored for each one of us as his children. The road won't always be the simple life of peaches and cream. It will be for our growth and help increase our spiritual capacity in time with the more that we seek to do his will. 

Lastly, we know that everyone has different characteristics and gifts. I would absolutely recommend that one thing we pray for is the power of discernment. Through the power of discernment we will know what is right, what is wrong, and lastly how to act. 

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