Thursday, March 27, 2008

Constructive Criticism

Just pondering some thoughts on criticism. It is often a tough subject to handle. I like to see it personally as a stepping stone for self improvement. We've all heard the famous quote "That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger". I think we need to recognize the truth potential when given even if it is a warning sign. Our maturity is definately found in how we handle or approach the criticism. If possible we should look at it directly square in the eye. Look at who the critic is. Seperate ourselves from it momentarily. Look at their sincerity. Or was it actually meant only to be damaging? Once identified embrace it especially if it was from the heart. What can I learn from this? How can I use this to change and become better? Evaluate our growth quickly. Accept it. Learn from it. Don't punish ourselves by dwelling on it. We wouldn't want to swim in a stagnant pool so why review it over and over. Embrace where there is the sincere potential of growth and move on. It's been said no leader is exempt from criticism and one's humility will nowhere be seen more clearly than in the manner in which one accepts and reacts positively to it. Any thoughts? Would love to hear...

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